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English translation for "dependency relation"


Related Translations:
transitive dependency:  传递相关性
dependency rage:  附属区
dependency set:  相关集相依集
spatial dependency:  空间依赖性 空间依存度
dependency tree:  相依树
dependency links:  依赖关系
morbid dependency:  病态依赖
probabilistic dependencies:  概率相关性
feature dependency:  特征依付
conceptual dependency:  概念从属理论概念相关概念依赖
Example Sentences:
1.On construction of a chinese corpus bused on semantic dependency relations
2.A statistical model for parsing semantic dependency relations in a chinese sentence
3.A distributed network intrusion detection model based on security dependency relation
4.A study of the parsing strategy and the generative algorithm for dependency relation network of chinese sentences
5.Association rules is an effective method for describing the dependency relations in data , and it is one of the improtant aspects of knowledge discovery
6.7 . there obvious dependency relation between the unit - absorption rate and grout consumption , general there are bearing relation , but no obvious dependency relation between the index of the rock mass integrity and grout consumption
7 、岩体单位吸水率与单位注入量之间普遍存在一定的相关关系,而岩体完势性指数及岩体波速与单位注入量之间不存在相关关系。
7.Referring to three kinds of plan irregularity , structures individually with four kinds of irregularity as eccentricity in one direction , eccentricities in two directions , re - entrant corner irregularity and diaphragm discontinuity have been analyzed to investigate the relationship between torsion effects and parameters of above irregular structures . the parameters and the schemes for determining the scope of structures with different kind of irregularity considering seismic action in two directions simultaneously are proposed , some conclusions have been get as following : it is indicated by the analysis results that torsion effect has no dependency relation with eccentric torsional angel adopted in code for seismic design for buildings . it is suggested that the eccentric torsional angel should not be take as the parameter of torsion effect of structures considering seismic action in two directions simultaneously ; for the structures with regular plan and elevation and with eccentricity in one direction due to irregular mass layout , the relative eccentricity can be take as the parameter of torsion effect of structures considering seismic action in two directions simultaneously ; for the structures with regular plan and elevation and with eccentricities in two directions due to irregular mass layout , the ratio of relative eccentricities in two directions and the angel of them can be take as the parameters of torsion effect of structures considering seismic action in two directions simultaneously ; it is indicated by the analysis results that the torsion effect has no dependency relation with re - entrant corner ratio adopted in code for seismic design for buildings as
所取得的主要结论有:结构的扭转效应与《抗震规范》所采用的扭转不规则指标即偏心扭转角之间的相关性较差,偏心扭转角不宜作为判断结构是否计及扭转效应及需考虑双向水平地震作用的界定指标;对于楼层间均匀偏心的多层单向偏心结构,建议采用相对偏心距作为需考虑双向水平地震作用的界定指标,并给出针对不同平面尺寸的界限相对偏心距;对于楼层间均匀偏心的多层双向偏心结构,建议采用两个主轴方向的相对偏心距及其夹角作为界定指标,结合单向偏心结构的界定方案进行需考虑双向水平地震作用的结构范围界定;凸凹不规则结构的扭转效应与凸凹比例无正相关关系, 《抗震规范》要求所有平面布置不对称的凸凹不规则结构计及扭转效应的规定欠妥当,建议凸凹不规则界限值从30改为15 ,只要求分析采用空间模型比较合适; 《抗震规范》关于有效楼板宽度较小的结构需计及扭转效应的规定很有必要,楼板局部不连续的结构需采用符合楼板实际刚度的计算模型予以分析,可使用相对偏心距(及其夹角)参照单向(和双向)偏心结构的界定方案,界定楼板局部不连续结构是否需要计入双向水平地震作用下的扭转效应。
8.Simulation illustrates that the discovery result has dependency relation to the distribution of instance number of feature intervals , cluster method can help to generate more association rules with small quantity of frequent itemsets , and fuzzy discretization can obtain more frequent itemsets and association rules than simple boolean discretization method
Similar Words:
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